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Dear Graduates, Friends and Family of the Chrysalis Academy
In these uncertain times, we are mindful that graduates, family members, and our communities, are facing challenging times. We would like to invite all of you to practice self-care, remain positive and focussed on achieving your potential. We are delighted to share with you the Clear Mind International’s Living Resource. It includes short meditation practices, which will help to cultivate a positive mind.
Please follow the links :
playlist on CMI’s YouTube channel.
We hope that the resource will spread far and wide, and will cross many borders.
We pray you and your families are safe and that these resources will be of support to you over the next period.
Chrysalis Academy Porter Estate,
Tokai Road, Cape Town,
Tel: 021 712 1023
Fax: 021 712 1075
E-mail: info@chrysalisacademy.org.za