Recruitment Process

Our 3-months residential programme targets motivated young people between the ages of 18 and 25 who want to contribute positively to society. They must have attained a minimum educational level of Grade 9 (Standard 7), be unemployed, have no criminal record, and should also not be using any illegal substance when entering the programme (random drug testing may be done at intake and during the 3-month period while students are on campus).

Participation is entirely voluntary and free(except for a non-refundable fee) on the day of intake to all young residents of the Western Cape Province, as the programme is sponsored by the Western Cape Provincial Government.

Non-Refundable Fee – Successful candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee on the day of intake.

Interested young people can Apply Online or by contacting the Academy for the application. The completed and signed application form can be emailed or faxed to us, whereupon the candidate will be entered onto a database.

Local candidates will be invited for an interview at the Academy where a medical/physical assessment will be conducted before they are selected for the 3-month training.

Courses are run strictly on a first come, first serve basis. It is imperative, therefore, for application forms to be completed and faxed or emailed to us so that candidates’ names can be entered onto our database.

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