Life Coaching

The students at Chrysalis are offered the services of a full-time Life Coach, Fiona Brophy, who is also an experienced and qualified Social Worker.

Personal psycho-social assessments are completed with each student and individual counseling and family conferencing provided as needed. Many students in counseling sessions relate stories of deep hardship and quietly reveal that it is the first time they have really spoken openly about it.

During intake and the Orientation Phase, comm
on needs and challenges are assessed and group work offered to address them.

The Chrysalis programme helps them to stay clean and rejuvenate their bodies; it’s the inner strength through support of others in the group that helps them to sustain the change when returning home.

For many of the students, broken families, alcohol and substance abuse, poverty, domestic violence, childhood estrangement and loss of parents and family are commonplace. Many suffer the wounding of unresolved grief, unanswered questions and feelings of rejection, which negatively impact on their self-confidence and sense of self.

A transformation in one perso
n – in this case the young adult – has a wonderful ripple effect. Families learn to forgive, move forward, communicate more openly and understand that they are all human beings trying to cope with the struggles and challenges of life.

The Family Integration Programme includes three workshops with parents, guardians and close family to keep them informed of the process and guide them in how they can best support the transformation in their child. Parents, weeping openly in our workshops, share their relief and utter joy at receiving a letter of apology and the words “I love you, Mom” for the fist time. They are able to share and support other families who are also experiencin
g this amazing journey together. The family members often resolve to make positive changes themselves and return to old family values like switching off the TV and making time to listen to their children.

The Transpersonal Psychology Approach applied opens the way for people     to know themselves as physical, emotional and spiritual beings with unlimited potential to rise above any circumstances, heal and create a whole new future.

It is an honor to be a witness of tear-filled reunions between young men and their estranged fathers and to see parents reuniting with the son or daughter they thought they had lost to substance abuse.

We have the most amazing capacity as people to rise up and become stronger and more loving and successful in life when we are enabled to properly process the challenging experiences that life offers us.

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