Course Management
Each course consists of approximately 180 students. Three courses are run over a period of one year, two male courses and one female course. The second sentence needs to be reworded to read; “Students are accommodated in hostels in groups of approximately 10 students.”
Students are accommodated in dormitories in groups of 8 to 12 from mixed backgrounds – depending on course size.
Students are provided with a complete set of clothing and equipment required for their 3-month stay at the Academy.
Each course is managed by a training operations manager with two team leaders who are supported by instructors for each room. The instructors are graduates of previous courses who demonstrated leadership qualities and have undergone further intensive training.
A code of conduct applies for all students and staff alike. There is no smoking or drinking of alcohol and no provoking or fighting, as this is in direct conflict with the aims and objectives of the programme.
Students volunteer to be on the programme and have to participate in all activities (cleaning their rooms, physical training, assemblies, classes, sports activities, teamwork exercises, etc.)
A full-time professional nurse is employed to ensure that the medical needs of the students are met. Emergencies, serious injuries or illnesses are referred to the relevant hospitals for further treatment.