3-Month Programme

Our 3-month residential training is divided into four stages, which are compulsory for all students:

  • Orientation Phase consists of various life skills training such as personal hygiene, building self-esteem, inter-personal communication, cultural diversity, substance abuse, and leadership skills, amongst other things.
  •  Outdoor Phase is aimed at building leadership capability and using the healing power of nature to overcome certain challenges.  It also helps to create biodiversity and environmental awareness.”
  • Skills Phase when students learn basic skills such as electrical circuitry, fire fighting, welding, cookery, youth development and a range of other skills depending on the students’ needs.
  • Community Phase is when the students engage in various career discussions, volunteer at community projects and prepare for their exit back into their communities and home life.

The 3-month program culminates in the Graduation Ceremony when parents, families, friends and invited dignitaries attend the certification and awards ceremony at a gala event where students showcase their dancing, acting and singing talents, as well as the crafts that they have learnt. A prestigious drill squad wows the audience with precision drilling maneuvers.

The students also become recipients of the prestigious President’s Award and receive a bronze medal for outstanding community service. This inspires them to strive for the silver medal and beyond, once they are back in their communities.

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